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Careering towards the future

Careering towards the future

Explore the engineering careers that are available today, the potential rewards of these careers, how engineering has shaped our society and how engineering could transform the world we live in in the future. Depending upon the option selected, you can also investigate the influence of famous engineers/technologists of the past and people working in Engineering today. Part of the #IETLookAtMeNow campaign exploring the different ways that toys and imagination can represent a world of possibilities and invention to children. For engineers and scientists, the possibilities and invention never end. They are proof that our toys and dreams today impact our innovations tomorrow.
Working drawings poster

Working drawings poster

Secondary classroom poster where students can find out more about working drawings and how they are created. Download the single poster here or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Voltage poster

Voltage poster

Secondary classroom poster where students can learn about the concept of potential difference through analogy. Download the single poster or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
User centered design poster

User centered design poster

Secondary classroom poster highlighting the design process focusing on the needs of the user at each stage. Download the single poster or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
The Bionic Body poster

The Bionic Body poster

Secondary classroom poster highlighting some of the areas in which the human body can be improved with technology. Download the single poster or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Systems thinking poster

Systems thinking poster

Secondary classroom poster highlighting inputs, processes and outputs. Download the single poster or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Save the Earth poster

Save the Earth poster

Secondary classroom poster highlighting ideas we could all implement to help save our world. Download the single poster or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Programmable components poster

Programmable components poster

Secondary classroom poster looking at what programmable components are and where they are used. Download single poster or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Power poster

Power poster

Secondary classroom poster calculating mechanical and electrical power. Order a free set of secondary posters from the IET Website.
Nanotechnology poster

Nanotechnology poster

Secondary classroom poster exploring nanotechnology in everyday life. Download the single poster or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Modelling methods

Modelling methods

Secondary classroom poster where students can find out how designers use models to understand how their ideas will look and function. Download the single poster or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
micro:bit poster

micro:bit poster

Secondary classroom poster giving a quick look at the individual components of the BBC micro:bit and how you can use it in your classroom. Download the single poster or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Maths for engineering poster

Maths for engineering poster

Secondary classroom poster where your students can find out about the equations and formulae needed for engineering. Download the single poster or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Maths for D&T poster

Maths for D&T poster

Secondary classroom poster where your students can find out about the equations and formulae needed for D&T. Download the single poster or order the full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Future travel poster

Future travel poster

Secondary classroom poster exploring the green solutions for future travel. Download or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
FIRST LEGO League Challenge poster

FIRST LEGO League Challenge poster

Secondary classroom poster where your students can discover the excitement of robotics and STEM with FIRST LEGO League. Download the single poster or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.
Engineer a better world poster

Engineer a better world poster

Secondary classroom poster where your students can find out more about the ‘Engineer a Better World’ campaign. Download or order a full set of posters for free from the IET Education website.